Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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Tag: Noir Series

Julie Smith’s Introduction to New Orleans Noir: The Classics

To celebrate the release of New Orleans Noir: The Classics, the latest from Akashic’s Noir Series, we’re pleased to give you a look at the glittering constellation of writers that have passed through New Orleans with editor Julie Smith’s introduction, “The Many Ways It Can All Go Away.”

“Tainted Love” by Max Scratchmann

Dorothy stumbled blindly into the lesbian bar as the last few off-season tourists perambulated the crooked streets, the evening sky a dull antimony pink behind the smoke-blackened canyon of the Cowgate, her hands wet and the bloody knife still in her handbag . . .

“Moving On” by Timber Masterson

My Play Now, Pay Later Rusty Linings Playbook, too scuffed up and soiled to read, hopeless hodgepodge hieroglyphics really. I’ve got to find unity in community amongst my fellow city dwellers . . .