Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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147 search results found for “simons cat”

Girls Against Boys with special guest David Yow

After a summer of European touring, noise-rock band Girls Against Boys return to the East Coast with four live shows this fall in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC and a brand-new EP (forthcoming).

Weekly Roundup for 9/13/13

Every Friday, the Akashic team highlights industry news, reviews, and features from around the web. This week’s roundup comes to you from Akashic intern Alia Maria Almeida!

“Lazy Gangsters” by Jen Kitses

Officer Leon James slipped out the back door of the Quayside Oil Company, where he worked part-time as a security guard on the overnight shift. In his hand was a paper bag containing the cold meatball sub that he brought from home but had forgotten to eat. Instead, he’d spent his break dozing in an office chair, his chin nodding toward his chest . . .

“365 Days of No” by E.R. Catalano

In the final tally I’m not sure who said it more, my daughter or me.

That year from two to three was full of refusals—there was the bedtime no and the cleaning up no; no to taking a bath and no to getting out of the bath; no to getting dressed or undressed. It was the toddler version of Newton’s third law: every action demanded an equal and opposite uh-uh . . .