Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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Category: Original Fiction

“Details” by J.H. Dixon

Full disclosure was the term they used. Before I moved my family, my life, everything. It’s an easy job really, being sheriff. Quiet most nights. Some drunks, wife abusers, the occasional meth head. And the mutilations. We don’t expect you to solve them or anything, but you need to be aware . . .

“Kirstenbosch” by Zurina Saban

He was painfully aware of his sweat. It oozed out of his pores and swam down his temples and cheeks without bothering to bead. His T-shirt was stuck to the flat mounds of his breasts . . .

“Civil Blood” by S. Douglas Hosdale

A hush had fallen over Hvar. The fish market was closed, and the cold cement countertops were empty and the knives and scales aremained untouched. The cold weather of fall had descended upon us with a ferocious howl of wind and a violent clap of thunder, and I watched the few bright patches of shimmery water fade into a dark sea . . .

“Guango River” by Tricia Allen

The lunch bell begins to ring, so we say our prayers, chewing the words up in our mouths with half-open eyes as we watch our teacher, leather belt in hand . . .