Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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2013 News & Features

“Suicide Note #3” by David L. Robb

I shouldn’t have dropped acid today. But then, that’s what I always say. I live on the third floor of the Mars Motel in Yuba City. If you lived in the Mars Motel in Yuba City, you’d drop acid, too. But this time is different . . .

“A Different League” by Carrie Cuinn

Two a.m. at The State Diner came with a refill on my half-drunk coffee and an impatient smile on the lips of the waitress who’d been hovering nearby. My appointment was late, but my wallet was empty, so I couldn’t afford to leave. A week of poor sleep, too much caffeine, and more than one drive-thru meal meant my stomach was churning like the Buttermilk Falls after a storm, but I glanced over the menu anyway . . .

Girls Against Boys with special guest David Yow

After a summer of European touring, noise-rock band Girls Against Boys return to the East Coast with four live shows this fall in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC and a brand-new EP (forthcoming).

A Conversation with Alison Powell, Bookstore Curator, The Oxford Exchange (Tampa, FL)

Welcome to Akashic in Good Company, a regular feature where Akashic spotlights the remarkable people and places in today’s publishing industry. Over the past fifteen years, Akashic has worked with an amazing array of talented, hard-working, committed people and Akashic would not be the company it is today without their help and advice along the way. This week’s installment features a conversation between Akashic’s managing editor Johanna Ingalls and Alison Powell, Bookstore Curator, The Oxford Exchange, Tampa, FL.