Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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“We Burned Down the City” by Jervey Tervalon

Gumbo and I tossed a Frisbee, waiting for our mamas to call us in for dinner, while Danny, another one of my brothers’ friends, screamed by from one end of the block to the other, passing within a few feet of us on his gigantic chopper . . .

Weekly Roundup for 9/6/13

Every Friday, the Akashic team highlights industry news, reviews, and features from around the web. This week’s roundup comes to you from Akashic interns Anaka Allen and Lisa Martens!

“Simple Deadly Cravings” by Kerime B. Toksu

Tiny red potatoes sizzled on the stove as Mel rolled kale with one hand, slicing it into ribbons with the other.

“Root vegetable chowder,” she told me as I unwound my heavy wool scarf. I must have given her a look because she added, “with maple syrup,” as though this would make it better . . .

Ann Hood’s Introduction to Providence Noir

To celebrate the release of Providence Noir, the latest in Akashic’s Noir Series, we’re pleased to bring you a glimpse into Ann Hood’s love of noir with her introduction, “Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Spotlight on Commonwealth Writers

To celebrate the release of Pepperpot: Best New Stories from the Caribbean, we are thrilled to feature spotlights of a few of our Peekash Press collaborators throughout April. Today, we’re pleased to feature Commonwealth Writers.

“Why We Write” by C.J. Farley

Game World author C.J. Farley discusses his experience at the African American Children’s Book Fair, and how one interaction caused him to consider why he writes.

“First Time, Last Time” by Robert M. Detman

Harry glances around the room, the trim freshly painted. Someone with money owns the place. Maybe Christiane’s family.

“Does anyone live here?” Harry asks.

Gem sneers at this pretense of familiarity.

“You ask too many questions, man . . .”