Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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74 search results found for “Palm%20Springs%20noir”

“Quiet” by Tricia Bauer

I was quiet. I was able to be quiet. My sister more than made up for my absence of audible response to every situation. . .

“The Rumor” by Cass Lewis

I had warned Mikey Ronagan that sooner or later someone was going to shoot that cocky smile off his face, so I don’t know why I’m letting the image of his dead body ruin my moment today . . .

“Class Warfare” by Donald McCarthy

I left Los Angeles and moved to Long Beach, California, because I thought it’d be less cold—I don’t mean the temperature, I mean the atmosphere, the lack of caring, the judgment, the sheer disdain for those who haven’t made it. I escaped LA, but not the hell that it is to be a homeless woman . . .