Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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Weekly Roundup 3/1/13

Every Friday, the Akashic team highlights industry news, reviews, and features from around the web (and the office!). This week’s roundup comes to you from Akashic publicist Kate Bogden and editorial assistant Susannah Lawrence.

Weekly Roundup for 9/27/13

Every Friday, the Akashic team highlights industry news, reviews, and features from around the web. This week’s roundup comes to you from Akashic intern Alia Maria Almeida!

VIRTUAL EVENT: Addis Ababa Noir — Elliott Bay Book Company.

Date: August, 20 2020

Maaza Mengiste (editor, Addis Ababa Noir) in conversation with Salar Abdoh (author, Out of Mesopotamia), with moderator Ibrahim Ahmad in a virtual event hosted by Elliott Bay Bookstore. RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/maaza-mengiste-salar-abdoh-akashic-books-tickets-114759340276 PLEASE NOTE: All of our virtual events are listed in Eastern Time (ET).