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Akashic Books

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479 search results found for “noir”

Etgar Keret’s Introduction to Tel Aviv Noir

To celebrate the release of Tel Aviv Noir, the latest in Akashic’s Noir Series, we’re pleased to bring you a glimpse behind the city’s warm exterior with coeditor Etgar Keret’s introduction, “The Dark Side of the Bubble.”

Tom Franklin’s Introduction to Mississippi Noir

To celebrate the release of Mississippi Noir, the latest from Akashic’s Noir Series, we’re pleased to share a glimpse at this state in conflict with itself with editor Tom Franklin’s introduction, “Welcome to the Bottom.”

SALE! Midwest Noir Complete Set for $35!

To celebrate the publication of Twin Cities Noir: The Expanded Edition, we’re pleased to offer all a set of four area titles from our Noir Series (Twin Cities, Detroit, Chicago and Kansas City) for only $35, plus shipping, while supplies last!

Tony Bellotto’s Introduction to Rio Noir

To celebrate the release of Rio Noir, the latest release from Akashic’s award-winning Noir Series, we’re pleased to give you a look behind the scenes with editor Tony Bellotto’s introduction, “Deciphering an Enigma.”