- Hardcover: 250 pages
- Published: 9/1/02
- IBSN: 9780971920606
- Genre: Nonfiction
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Debut title from RDV Books!
Foreword By Cornel West
“A terrific collection of personal stories, legal arguments, and historical reminders about civil liberties in our society. We must never forget that we live in our faith and our many beliefs, but we also live under the law—and those legal rights must never be suspended or curtailed.”
—Reverend Jesse Jackson
A groundbreaking collection of new pieces examining the effects of President George W. Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft’s legislative assault on civil liberties following the terrorist bombing of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Foreword by Cornel West, author of Race Matters, with original essays by Michael Moore (Stupid White Men, Downsize This!), Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Steve Earle, Tom Hayden (former California senator, author of Irish on the Inside), Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Robert Scheer (LA Times columnist), Ira Glasser (former head of the ACLU), cartoonist Matt Groening, historian Howard Zinn, Lillian Nakano, Congressman Bob Barr, Michael Isikoff, Anthony Romero, Norman Siegel, Kenneth Roth, Nadine Strossen, Michael Tomasky, Helen Zia, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, interviews with Nat Hentoff and Congressman Barney Frank, and many more. Also, firsthand stories from Middle Eastern and American victims of civil-liberty infringement, such as the chief of police in Portland, Oregon who resisted federal pressure, and Fathi Mustafa, a Palestinian caught in the wave of racial profiling.
This debut title from RDV Books is edited by the company’s three publishers.
DANNY GOLDBERG is the author of five previous books including In Search of the Lost Chord: 1967 and the Hippie Idea and the national bestseller Serving the Servant: Remembering Kurt Cobain. He is a political activist who serves on the boards of Public Citizen, Americans for Peace Now, and Brave New Films. He was the chair of the ACLU Foundation of Southern California from 1987–1994, during which the events described in his newest book, Liberals with Attitude, took place. He is currently president of Gold Village Entertainment and has worked in the music business since the early 1970s as a personal manager for Nirvana, Sonic Youth, Bonnie Raitt, the Allman Brothers, and Steve Earle, among others; and as president of three major record companies: Atlantic, Warner Bros., and Mercury.
VICTOR GOLDBERG is a longtime activist for civil liberties. He was an executive of the Collins & Aikman Corp., was president of the Hudson Valley Broadcasting Corporation, and is the president of Victor Goldberg Associates. He was copublisher of Tikkun, associate publisher of The Nation, and is coeditor of It’s a Free Country: Personal Freedom in America After September 11.
ROBERT GREENWALD has produced and/or directed more than forty-five television, cable, and theatrical films, including the award-winning NBC-TV movie The Burning Bed, and the recent theatrical film, Steal This Movie, about Abbie Hoffman. Through his newly formed “Public Interest Productions,” Greenwald is executive producing Unprecedented—a documentary about the 2000 election. Greenwald is on the Board of Directors of “A Place Called Home,” a gang-prevention program in South Central Los Angeles, and of the Venice Community Housing Corporation, which provides low income housing in Los Angeles. He also works with “Homies Unidos,” a gang-violence prevention and intervention program with projects in El Salvador and Los Angeles. He is coeditor of It’s a Free Country: Personal Freedom in America After September 11.