Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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“Little Lord Fonzelroy” by Kaye George

Beautiful spring day in Ohio. Laundry room in the basement. Hanging clothes on the inside line from the dryer so they won’t be a wrinkled mess. My son, as usual, hungry for a snack. How does he always know when I don’t want to be interrupted in the middle of a task? . . .

“Wise at Four” by Dorothy Stone

We had recently moved and were delighted to find a babysitter across the street and a few doors down. Allison was about fourteen and lived with her dad, who had told us that his wife had recently passed away . . .

“Dear Son” by Daniel Presley

Dear Son, Honestly, I should’ve started this campaign long ago, back when you were a fetus and your behavior was under control. Today the case is nearly hopeless . . .