Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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A TALL HISTORY OF SUGAR Is One of Vanity Fair‘s Best of 2019!

Curdella Forbes’s A Tall History of Sugar, released in October 2019, was selected as an Editors’ Pick for Vanity Fair‘s Best Books of 2019 by Copy Production Director Anderson Tepper. His recommendation reads: “Curdella Forbes’s A Tall History of Sugar is the most recent in an impressive new wave of novels by Jamaican writers—from Marlon James‘s Booker […]

“A Day at the Zoo” by Jennifer Furner

I unload Amelia from her car seat, gather her snack and water cups, and zip them away in the diaper bag. I place her sunglasses on her face and ask, “Who’s ready for a fun day at the zoo?”